Thursday, July 3, 2008

The ultimate reason for our existance

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“I know how to travel between the present and the past. I know the world of the spirits, and I’ve communed with forces so amazing that no words in any language can describe them. I could perhaps say that I possess the silent knowledge of the journey that has bought the human race to where it is at this moment.

“But because I know all this, and because I am a Teacher, I also know that we will never ever know the ultimate reason for our existence. We might know the how, where and when of being here, but the why will always be a question that remains unanswered. The main objective of the great Architect of the Universe is to know Him alone and to no one else”

A silent fell.

“Right now, while we’re here eating, ninty-nine percent of the people on this planet are, in their own way, struggling with that very question. Why are we here? Many think they’ve found the answer in religion or in materialism. Others despair and spend their lives and their money trying to grasp the meaning of it al.. A few let the question go unanswered and live for the moment, regardless of the results or the consequences.

“Only the brave and those who understand the Traditions of the Sun and the Mon are aware that the only possible answer to the question is I DON”T KNOW.

“This might, at first, seem frightening, leaving us terribly vulnerable in out dealings with the world, with the things of the world and with our own sense of our existence. Once we’ve got over that initial fear, however, we gradually become accustomed to the only possible solution: to follow our dreams. Having the courage to take the steps we always wanted to take is the only way of showing that we trust in God.

“As soon as we accept this, life takes on a scared meaning, as we experience the same emotion the Virgin must have felt when, one afternoon in her otherwise very ordinary existence, a stranger appeared to her and made her an offer. “Be it unto me according to thy word,” said the Virgin. Because she had understood that the greatest thing a human being can do is to accept the Mystery.”

After another long silence Wicca again took up her knife and fork and resumed her meal. Brida looked at he, proud to be by her side. She wasn’t bothered now by the questions she would never ask, about how Wicca earned her money or if she was in love with someone, or jealous of someone else. She thought about the greatness of soul of the true sages, sages who spent their entire life searching for an answer that did not exist, but who were not tempted to invent an answer when they realized there was none. Instead, they carried on humbly inhabiting a Universe they would never understand. The only way they could truly participate was by following their own desires, their own dreams, because that is how man becomes an instrument of God.

“So what’s the point of looking for an answer then?”

“We don’t look for an answer, we accept and then life becomes much more intense, much more brilliant, because we understand that each minute, each step that we take, has a meaning that goes far beyond us as individuals. We realize that somewhere in time and space this question does have an answer. We realize that there is a reason for us being here, and for us, that’s enough.

"We plunge into the Dark Night with faith, we fulfil what the ancient alchemist used to call our Personal Legend and we surrender ourselves fully to each moment, knowing that there is always a hand to guide us, and whether we accept or not is entirely up to us.”

Excerpts from the recent book of Paulo Coelho - Brida


Unknown said...

gr8 doing div's....

sathi said...

It is amazing Divz!! to know that the playful girl the childish kid can think about the most complex topics- Like self-awareness and the mind words of desperation.. All the very best Kano

cheth said...

great blog divz.. just stumbled across your blog. good writing altogether..

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