Monday, February 28, 2011

Amazing Amazon Kindle

I've been an avid reader of books ever since I can remember. Sometimes I wonder if I was born with a book in my hand. I lovvvvvvvveeeee reading. Given a choice between reading & doing something, I would pick the choice of reading. And my interest in books varies like my temperament. I can move between an Archie's comic book and an Ayn Rand Fountainhead with the greatest of ease. And somehow the thought of borrowing books and reading never appealed to me. So needless to say, every month there would be a huge chuck of my salary that used to be spent on buying books and reading them. Looking at the huge collections of books I have, I've been called as a 'Book Library' among my friends coz they would borrow books from me for reading. Very often my mom would joke that the only dowry that I would be carrying to my hubby's place after marriage would be my huge collection of books.

My parents got tired of telling me not to buy books. The more they told me this statement, the more I was tempted to buy books and read. It was like a never ending saga of my life.

This was until, my father hit on a jackpot idea and man what an idea it was! When he got to know that one of my cousin's was traveling abroad, he ordered an Amazon Kindle for me to be gifted to be as a surprise birthday present. For all the naïve readers of this blog Amazon kindle is an e-book reader. Though it was a late to get it as a birthday present (my birthday is in October and I got this in the following February) I was obviously ecstatic when I got it. It's been my constant companion, and just like a much sought after thriller book, I can't keep this down.

Between then to now, I'm become absolutely crazy of the Kindle. It carry it with me when am traveling to office every day, It's by my bed side during the night and during weekends it's like my best buddy.

I've been absolutely blown away by the impact this particular technology has over my life. I'm never loved technology more than now! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Best Religion…..

A brief dialogue between a Brazilian theologist Leonardo Boff and the Dalai Lama.

In a round table discussion about religion and freedom in which Dalai Lama and myself (Leonardo Boff) were participating at recess, I maliciously and also with interest asked him: “Your holiness what is the best religion?”

I thought he would say “The Tibetan Buddhism” or “The oriental religions, much older than Christianity.”

The Dalai Lama paused, smiled and looked me in the eyes which surprised me because I knew of the malice contained in my question. He answered “The best religion is that one that gets your closer to God. It is the one that makes you a better person.” 

To get out of my embarrassment with such a wise answer, I asked: What is that makes me better?”

He responded “Whatever makes you more compassionate, more sensible, more detached, more loving, more humanitarian, more responsive, and more ethical. The religion that will do that for you is the best religion”.

I was silent for a moment marveling and even today thinking of his wise and irrefutable reply. “I am not interested, my friend about your religion, or if you are religious or not. What really is important to me is your behavior in front of your peers, family, work commitment and in front of the world. Remember the universe is the echo of our actions and our thoughts.” “The law of action and reaction is not exclusively for physics. It is also of human relations. If I act with goodness, I will receive goodness. If I act with evil, I will get evil.”

“What our grand-parents told us is the pure truth. You will always have what your desire for others. Being happy is not a matter of desire. It is a matter of options.”

Finally, he said: “Take care of your Thoughts because they become your Words. Take care of your Words because they become your Actions. Take care of your Actions because they become your Habits. Take care of your Habits because they become your Character. Take care of your Character because they become your Destiny and your Destiny will be your Life and “There is no religion higher than Truth.”

~ Borrowed from the internet

Friday, February 4, 2011

Full Circle

It's strange how life turns around when you are least expecting it.

2008 - 2010 has been extremely taxing on me, in terms of personal life, relationships, professional life and in terms of maintaining my sanity as a person, as an individual. I always had this thoughts that I was bound with shackles which was making it very difficult for me to think, strategize and come out with a solution. It was like I was on the brink of insanity and many of my previous posts have reflected this.

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The last 2 years, I've realized emotions which I've never expected, experienced frustration at its peak, desperation clawing in me and depression killing me from inside. But if there's something that I must be proud about in these 2 years, it is the ability of having grown as a person internally and individually. The ability of having to withstand negative emotions without reacting to it. The ability of being indifferent towards people and towards circumstances which I no longer cared about. The ability of controlling my anger towards people and towards circumstances.

Just when I had given up hopes of a brighter tomorrow, the sun shone with its glorious rays encapsulating me with a warm glow of contentment from within.

Delays are not denials - I had read this as somebody's status message on gtalk a couple of days ago. When i had read the message, I was filled with rage. Because for me, delays have always turned out to be denials.

But then I also do believe in the adage of a silver lining for every dark cloud. And Trust me; I believe this now more than ever.

It's strange how life turns a full circle when you are least expecting it.
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